Collection of Works by Natalia Tcherniak
Past Exhibitions
RampUP 2019 - November 21 2019 StopGap Foundation, Artscape Wychwood Barns

Ramp Up 2019 - 5th annual FUNraiser to support the work of StopGap Foundation.
We can't wait to celebrate the Foundation's many achievements with you - our incredible community of friends, supporters, and volunteers! Thank you for your continued support in helping us raise awareness about the importance of accessibility, inclusion, and breaking down barriers!
All funds raised during this event will go towards our exciting initiatives and programs, like our Community Ramp Project, School Project, and Ramps on Request program, and will help us create more accessible spaces across Canada.
And a special thank you to our RampUp 2019 presenting sponsor, Daniels Corporation for another year of incredibly generous support!
Cyanotype on wood, white ink drawing on top. Ramps and underbelly of Toronto. Sold for $550 at a silent auction.
Alternative Space Weekend - November 2-3 2019 Artspace - City-Wide-Open Studios. New Haven,CT

Lunch Money Print are excited to continue representing first print exchange artwork at City-Wide-Open-Studios Alternative Space weekend in New Haven, Connecticut,
Yale West Campus
100 West Campus Drive, Building 410 Orange, CT
Saturday and Sunday, November 2-3
12:00 - 18:00
Contemporary Ruins Cavities
Cyanotype on washi paper
AIMPE 2019 - October 5 - November 10 2019 The Hall of Awa Japanese Handmade Paper Museum. Tokushima, Japan

2019 marks the 30th anniversary of Awagami's 'Hall of Awa Japanese Paper Museum' and hosts Awagami International Miniature Print Exhibition 2019.
Both Japanese and International artists are all invited to enter prints to AIMPE ‘19. Prizewinning works will be awarded as a result of skilled multi-level jurying. These prints shall be notably exhibited in Awagami’s Hall of Awa Japanese Handmade Paper Museum. The purpose of this exhibition is to introduce ‘washi’; Japan's traditional handmade paper (and cultural treasure) to international printmakers. In so doing, AIMPE provides an opportunity for artists to exhibit their prints and to promote expressionistic fine art printmaking.
Kozuke White
Cyanotype on washi paper
The Five Elements - September 29 - November 17 2019 Neighbourhood’s Art Gallery.

Works must be related to any or all of the five elements: Earth, Air ,Water, Fire or Spirit.
Water and Spirit
West Pier Ghosts and Walk into the Sea
World Cyanotype Day 2019 - September 28 - October 21 A Smith Gallery. Johnson City, TX

Most ancient peoples had no word for the color blue.
​They could not explain the sky nor the ocean. Poetry and love letters suffered. Once “blue” entered the world the earth rattled and chimed, sending forth “turquoise” and “sapphire.” The Navajo and the Jewelers rejoiced. Poets wept.
Picasso danced and Policemen beamed.
Mary smiled.
Cyanotype on 100% cotton fabric, lake Ontario and Star Finders
IMPACT 2019 - July 22 - August 9 2019 Neilson Park Creative Centre

Currently in its 27th year, Impact is NPCC’s most anticipated show that fosters creativity in the artistic community. Impact 2019 aims to bring together artists practicing in diverse media and approaches (both traditional and contemporary) while showcase artwork of the highest standard.
Snaps of Toronto
Infrastructure and streetscape
Moon Landing Festival - July 20-21 2019 Aga Khan Park

Saturday, July 20, 12–11 pm
Sunday, July 21, 12–6 pm
Bring friends and family for lunar-inspired festivities as we mark 50 years since humans first landed on the moon! To complement our new exhibition The Moon: A Voyage Through Time, enjoy two exciting media projects: a lunar video projection and an interactive moon music-making station.
Blue Moon tent
Prints of various sizes and media all available for sale.
Printmaking Show - June 26- July 14 2019 Gerrard Art Space

Gerrard Art Space is a community focused, membership driven, dedicated art space. Our mandate is to support, promote and facilitate the creation of all art forms, including visual, performance, music, poetry, spoken word, and film.
This is a non-juried show. All kinds of traditional printmaking accepted such as lithography, etching, mono print, woodblock, intaglio, etc
By the Lake
Prints of waterfront, Toronto and otherwise
Summer Emerging Artists - July 2 - 14 2019 Gallery 1313

THE SUMMER EMERGING ART EXHIBITION 2019 curated by Phil Anderson , Director of Gallery 1313 featuring a variety of media . Gallery 1313 s main focus is on emerging artists.
Alternative Reality
Prints using double negatives
Insahyt Catalog 700-779 - June 20-23 2019 Alexus Projects at Black Cat Showroom

Insahyt Catalog 700-779 is where Alexis will document the research and collect the works of artists to present in certain and specific theses. It draws its title from categories in the Dewey Decimal System; the 700 referring to the broadest arts and entertainment category, 779 referring to the end of the photographic subsection. In this way, Alexis hopes to accept and display work falling across many artistic mediums. This platform will accept submissions in any form — be it tangible, physical objects of any size or digital submissions which will be organized systematically to allow for discussion on the overall thesis of each issue.
A picture is worth 1000 words. Please send in 500 WORDS worth. "Scattered Thoughts" - bits of map
Place - April 25 - June 8 2019 Wanderlife Gallery, Philadelphia, PA

The concept of Place is wide and varied. Place could be a location, a feeling, or somewhere that doesn’t exist at all. It could be the town where you live, a country you’ve visited, a city street, or the visual interpretation of how you feel in the comfort of your own home. Artists are invited to demonstrate their interpretation of Place through photography. While all types of photographs will be considered, preference will be given to film or alternative processes.
Prints of various places in Toronto, reflecting history and a sense of longing to belong. "Secret Door" and "Parade Alerts" were chosen for the exhibition.
Art by Architects - May 28 2019 Ride for Heart Fundraiser at Great Hall

‘Art by Architects’ — or AxA — is an annual fundraiser organized by Diamond Schmitt Architects aimed at ‘promoting the arts within the architectural profession’. All proceeds to be donated to the Manulife 'Ride for Heart' charity.
This year, Longboat Hall at the Great Hall in Toronto will play host to the 5th annual Art by Architects event, on Tuesday, May 28 at 7 PM.
Blue Prints
Lloyds Building (9x12) and Ontario Atlantis (11x14)
LMP Print Exchange - March 23 - April 1 2019 The Lunch Money Print at Marquee Gallery, New London, CT

Lunch Money Print is driven to bring together a community of artists and art lovers. One way we are bringing this to life is by hosting a print exchange to connect artists. Participating artists will send in an edition of 11 prints to trade with other contributing artists. Lunch Money Print will also offer one copy for sale and feature it on our website in addition to showcasing it at Marquee Gallery in Connecticut.Your print can be a screen print, lithograph, woodcut, intaglio, or an experimental print form.
Contemporary Ruins Cavities
Cyanotype print 11"x13" on washi paper, available online
The Magic Silver Show - February 27 - March 29 2019 The Elena Diane Curris Juried Photography Exhibition, Murray, KY

The Magic Silver Show began in the mid 1970’s as a juried exhibition designed to encourage, foster understanding, and reward those involved in photographic media. This exhibition will present a survey of contemporary photo media in all aspects and genres of photography, film, and video. This is an open theme exhibition without restrictions on content, that will include still images, film, video, and moving images. Accepted entries will be on view from February 27 - March 29, 2019 in The Clara M. Eagle Gallery at Murray State University
Collection of Works
Prints with overlays of maps, and depiction of streetscape, using broad brushstrokes. "Music of the Spheres" has been accepted into the exhibition.
Blue | Bleu Impulse - February 13 - March 3 2019 Propeller Gallery

BLUE | BLEU IMPULSE is about Thinking Blue; Visions of Blue; Pure Blues;Immense sunny Blue Skies wherever you are;
Le temps est bon, le Ciel est Bleu;Bouncing Blue Waves on moody and vast oceans; Bleu de Mer;Calm and serene Blue Lakes; Rhapsody in Blue; Blue Persuasions; Blue light;Having the blues and being inspired by winter melancholy. PROPELLER presents what has become an annual invitational ‘colour themed’ exhibition. After a vibrant Red Impulse Exhibition last February, Propeller is following up with a BLUE | BLEU IMPULSE Exhibition.
Cyanotype print on watercolour paper, continuation of "Contemporary Ruins" theme, and a large-scale tinted chemogram on glossy photo paper, both show impulsively and loosely applied chemistry.
Contemporary Exhibitions 2019 - February 9 - 21 2019 Cedar Ridge Creative Centre

Cedar Ridge Gallery is committed to showing contemporary art that reflects and comments on modern-day society. We invite visual artists and craftspeople working in a variety of media to apply as individuals or as groups. Exhibitions are scheduled for two weeks at a time between January and March 2019.
A Study in Psychogeography: Find Yourself in this Space
Prints showing a variety of subject matter,on paper and on wood, creating a network of relations between places, events, concepts, and people, open to an individual interpretation by a viewer, a study in psychogeography - an exploration of a familiar urban environment guided by the logic only known to an individual.
The Heart Show 2019 - January 30 - February 17 2019 Gerrard Art Space

Gerrard Art Space is a community focused, membership driven, dedicated art space. Our mandate is to support, promote and facilitate the creation of all art forms, including visual, performance, music, poetry, spoken word, and film. Regular programming includes workshops, classes and shows that engage neighbourhood residents and the Toronto art community. It’s the month of Valentine’s Day when Joanne Filletti puts out the annual call and artists respond with works loosely themed around the concept of heart.
Interpretation of Heart
Cyanotype prints exploring the metaphorical notion of "heart", whether it is related to love, literal heart, expressions that imply heart as a centre.
Salon 13 Invitational Exhibition - January 9 - 27 2019 Propeller Gallery
Collection of Work
Prints with overlays of maps and hand-sketches of historic and guerrilla architecture.

Propeller presents annual invitational Salon exhibition - now in its thirteenth year! Aannual Salon exhibition brings together people and art in a fun and very well attended opening night – a mid-winter celebration with artists and their enthusiastic supporters. Artists are invited to fill the walls of the gallery and celebrate the diversity of styles in the work of Propeller members and their invited artist friends in a salon-style exhibition!​
Winter Emerging Artist Exhibition - January 2 - 13 2019 Gallery 1313
Collection of Work
Prints with overlays of maps, and depiction of contemporary ruins found on shores and at sea. "West Pier" and "Arch Bridge" have been accepted into the exhibition.

Gallery 1313 is pleased to present WINTER EMERGING ARTIST EXHIBIT a group curated exhibition of photography , painting and mixed media works . The exhibition is curated by Phil Anderson, Director @Gallery 1313