Collection of Works by Natalia Tcherniak
RampUp - December 2 - 6 2024 StopGap Foundation at Tangled Arts Gallery, Toronto

RampUp Annual Fundraiser 2024​
"StopGap Foundatation is running from December 2 to 6, the fundraiser will feature an online art auction with works from 24 talented local artists. These art ramps will be on display at the @tangled_arts gallery space for the entire week, so Toronto community members will have the chance to admire the pieces in person.
Lost City
I have been taking these photos of Ontario Place since 2015, and it has always evoked a notions of a Lost City of Atlantis, the way it is surrounded by the water, the way metabolic architecture is both futuristic and nostalgic. And now that this unique place is destroyed to make way to a horrible spa project, "lost city" has become a self-fulfilling prophecy. All we have left is the memory.
World Cyanotype Day - September 28 2024 Alternative Photography. com World Cyanotype Day

World Cyanotype Day​
We can be enchanted
by presence
or absence,
by the journey
or the destination,
by the process
and the product.
Allow yourself as maker to be charmed by the process of creating.
Illuminate the ordinary!
Enchantment. High Park Morning
I take inspiration from "the incidental" and strange encounters with places, people, and wildlife, I seek for beauty where it is not normally found. For this entry, I was just cutting through the park coming home, when I saw how the morning light shines upon the garbage bins, and it felt magical.
Analogue - August 3 - September 14 2024 Glasgow Gallery of Photography. Online

Analogue (Digital)​
The Glasgow Gallery of Photography is running a 6 week long digital exhibition starting in August called Analogue. Somewhat ironic to have a digital exhibition about Analogue photography, but with analogue photography, it often produces one off prints that can't be easily reproduced. Along with the fact we want this to be an international exhibition, making it difficult to get these one off prints to our gallery, we have decided that the best solution (and most ironic) is to have a digital exhibition of these analogue prints. The images are also screened at Merchant City Gallery location of GGoP.
Gate Keeper & Parade Alerts Cavities
Cyanotypes on watercolour and colour paper
Open - June 5 - 30 2024 Glasgow Gallery of Photography. Glasgow, UK

The Glasgow Gallery of Photography's mission is to advance the arts, heritage and cultural sector through exhibitions of photographic works as a means for artistic, community and personal expression.
The Glasgow Gallery of Photography is running a month long exhibition in June called Open. Our Open exhibitions are opened themed, meaning you can submit any work, whether is portrait, or landscape, street photography or still life, anything and everything is welcome in our Open exhibition.
Gardiner Split
Cyanotype on washi paper
In Seclusion- March 10 - April 10 2024, MetaSpace Gallery, online (Merseyside)

In Seclusion​
In Seclusion is an exhibition that explores the surrounding theme ‘seclusion’- how do these artists respond to this word and its meaning and what it means to their practice?
I see seclusion as being trapped inside your own head, your own mind, with no other frame of reference to check your own sanity. Right before the pandemic, my day job was to design isolation rooms for a mental health facility, and then..
Years of isolation during pandemic has taught me that the scariest part of seclusion is not the physical constraints, but your own inability to get out, to get over your inner fears and complexes, inability to rejoin the world again. My headspace is both a sanctuary and prison: I can feel safe and protected, but I can never leave and open up. My artistic practice is revolved around the tension between yearning and rejection seclusion.
Art of City Building - February 28 - March 10 2024, Gallery 1313, Toronto

Art of City Building​
Artists are invited submit art works that explore the theme of urban development, gentrification, housing and urban sprawl in this curated group exhibition. Architecture and design solutions to enhance city building.
Selective Memory Map
Cyanotype. While it is impossible for us to hold the entire image in out head, to know an area of the city to same extent as the next - our brain has an incredible ability to just fill in the blanks. This piece works best in your head.