Collection of Works by Natalia Tcherniak
Past Exhibitions
Northern Tendencies - December 12 - 22 2018 Propeller Gallery

Canada is a northern nation and as such we share the cold climates of similar geographical territories and distinguish ourselves from the southern and equatorial counterparts. We are a people who have adapted and are still adapting to frigid temperatures and that too is changing with our traumatized environment. From Indigenous people to all the other settlers that followed and continue to follow, we are a people who have by and large come to terms with and embraced the bitter cold and often bleak winter atmosphere and learned to fashion our lives, our habitats and our entertainment from the long hibernal ravages. In the end, with a planet that is heating up at an alarmingly accelerated pace, are we going to be the luckier ones as time goes by? What does the north mean or has meant to you?
Cyanotype print using multiple overlaid negatives, juxtaposing the rough, exposed concrete stair with a tender, bare woman’s back. The image addresses the notion of strength and reliance present in northern character traits, while being delicate and longing to be discovered. Model photography by Samantha Gaetz.
The Living Image - December 8 2018 - January 26 2019 The Halide Project, Philadelphia, PA

Open Call for Living Image 2018, The Halide Project’s third annual international juried exhibition showcasing contemporary artists working in traditional and alternative process photographic techniques.
Collection of Work
Prints with overlays of maps, and depiction of streetscape, using broad brushstrokes. "Door" has been accepted into the exhibition.
6th International Juried Print Exhibition - December 7 2018 - January 27 2019 Remarque Print Workshop, Albuquerque, NM
Remarque/New Grounds Print Workshop & Gallery invites printmakers from around the world to submit work for our 6th Annual International Juried Print Exhibition to be held at Remarque from December 7, 2018 to January 27, 2019. The Exhibition aims to present a collection of innovative prints featuring themes and techniques from all traditions of printmaking.

Collection of Work
Prints using tiled negatives, double negatives, and combination collages on a variety of media. "Parade Alerts Cavities" has been accepted into the exhibition.
Ramp UP 2018 - November 30 2018 The Stop Gap Foundation, Daniels Spectrum
Interpretive Map of Greater Toronto
Cyanotype on wooden, partially primed ramp, using tiled negative of an interpretive Map of Greater Toronto, playing on scale, texture, and definition of the street maps.

Ramp Up 2018 - 4th annual FUNraiser to support the work of StopGap Foundation. The silent auction is bigger than ever: there will be over 40 incredible works of art created by local artists on our well-known ramps and you will have an even greater chance to take one of these beauties home! All funds raised during this event will go towards our important initiatives and programs, like StopGap's Community Ramp Project, School Project, and Ramps on Request program, and will help create more accessible spaces across Canada.
Woolwich Contemporary Print Fair - November 22 - 25 2018 Woolwich Print Fair, London

With over 250 specialist artists and exhibitors, Woolwich Contemporary Print Fair is the only fair in London to deal solely in contemporary printmaking, and the largest of its kind in the UK, set in the impressive former carriage factory at the Royal Arsenal, Woolwich. Celebrating every aspect of printmaking - from etching and lithography, to woodblock and screen-printing, exciting emerging talent sits alongside established practitioners.
Collection of Work
Prints using tiled negatives, double negatives, and combination collages. "Gardiner Infrastructure" has been accepted into the fair.
In The Round - October 24 - November 4 2018 Graven Feather at Proof Studio Gallery

For the 6th annual In The Round show GRAVEN FEATHER are partnering with PROOF STUDIO GALLERY located in the beautiful DISTILLERY DISTRICT to host their favourite show. Artists will be showcasing multiple pieces of art on small 6 inch birch disks provided for this fun and innovative group show.
Mental Health Awareness Life
Cyanotype on wood, with white ink drawing on top that captures the theme of battling mental health issues and embracing healing through self-discovery.
World Cyanotype Day - September 29 - October 28 2018 A Smith Gallery, Johnson City, TX

We are all truly bound by our common humanity. AND, we are all as different as grains of sand under a microscope. Yet, walk a beach and the billions of bits and pieces of rock, coral, shell, glass, metal, plastic, etc. are as indistinguishable as different substances - it is all one gigantic family of sand. Like us? Fortunately, we are all very different. What makes us different? How we wear our hair, how we dance, draw a morning, what we choose to put on our coffee tables, what trees we plant? It is our creative diversity that shines and shouts as we walk down the street or stand in a queue or decorate the kitchen.World Cyanotype Day was started as a celebration of us. We invite all of us to celebrate World Cyanotype Day at A Smith Gallery in Johnson City, Texas on Saturday, September 29, 2018 by creating cyanotype flags that represent what makes you you and us us on cloth,each 12X12 inches (30X30) cm. The flags strung together and hung in the gallery will represent the amazing diversity and commonality of us.
City in Plan/ Human in Section
12"x12" flag using double negative of xrays of a ribcage and Map of Toronto celebrating the intersection of patterns in human and nature, keeping with the tradition of cross-bones flags.
Summer Emerging Artists Exhibition - July 18- July 29 2018 Gallery 1313
Two Diptychs
Two diptychs of cyanotype prints : one - exploring relationship between bird sanctuary of Leslie Spit
and its effect on by-law enforced use of bird-friendly pattern on glass, and two – working with
double negatives and theme of mental health awareness. Walk into the Sea I & II were selected.
THE SUMMER EMERGING ART EXHIBITION 2018 curated by Phil Anderson , Director of Gallery 1313 featuring a variety of media . Gallery 1313 s main focus is on emerging artists.

The Printmaking Show - June 27 - July 15 2018 Gerrard Art Space
Collection of Toronto Images in Large-format
Four cyanotypes on larger format watercolour paper, showing different aspects of Toronto: interpretive map, Gardiner Expressway infrastructure, Humber Arch Bridge and lake Ontario.
Gerrard Art Space is a community focused, membership driven, dedicated art space. Our mandate is to support, promote and facilitate the creation of all art forms, including visual, performance, music, poetry, spoken word, and film.
This is a non-juried show. All kinds of traditional printmaking accepted such as lithography, etching, mono print, woodblock, intaglio, etc

Equilibrium - April 16 - May 28 2018 Yonge+St Clair Earth Month (with Interspatial)

Yonge + St. Clair is seeking proposals for a temporary public art installation that will animate the lobby of 2 St. Clair W in the Yonge + St. Clair community. Yonge + St. Clair welcomes photographers, designers, visual artists, sculptors, performing artists, and others to submit proposals of all mediums. Yonge + St. Clair is seeking unique environmentally-conscious projects of all forms that celebrates Earth Month. Proposals that welcome visitor interaction/participation are encouraged.
Earth is a complex system of networks, that are dynamic, evolving and yet exist in a balance. Borrowing from Theory of Complexity, “Equilibrium” explores relationships within a set of suspended mobiles that creates their own emergent pattern, allowing the structure to morph and evolve. While being intricate, delicate, and fragile, the installation is also conveying a sense of hope – that even though the Earth’s balance can be easily offset, life’s inherent resilience will find its way to harmony.
Installation Crew: Natalia Bakaeva, Natalia Tcherniak, Victoria Alberto, Johnny Green
De-Installation Crew: Natalia Bakaeva, Natalia Tcherniak, Maureen Gualtieri, Benji Fitzerman, Johnny Green
CELEBRATION - March/April 2018 World Cyanotype Day online gallery

1. Solemn performance; a distinguishing by solemn rites; as the celebration of a marriage, or of a religious festival.
2. A distinguishing by ceremonies, or by marks of joy or respect; as the celebration of a birth day, or other anniversary.
3. Praise; renown; honor or distinction bestowed, whether by songs, eulogies, or rites and ceremonies. - from Noah Webster's 1828 "An American Dictionary of the English Language"
"Rite of Spring"
6"x6" cyanotype on birch wood panel, using digital negative, comprised of two overlaid images. Inspired by Stravinsky's ballet "Rite of the Spring" in celebration of coming spring and sacrifices made for the new cycle of life.
What the Fukunishi? - March 21 - April 1 2018 Graven Feather

Each of the 43 featured artists has been provided 2 sheets of Fukunishi, a gorgeous natural dye paper from The Japanese Paper Place. Artists' techniques range from printmaking, ink, sculpture and cyanotypes to name a few
"Birds in Urban Environment"
13"x19" cyanotype on Fukunishi grey and rose paper, using digital negative, comprised of two overlaid images and found objects. Interrelation of birds and urban environment in a form of altered map of City of Toronto, and a bird-friendly frit pattern on Leslie Spit's Bird Sanctuary landscape.
The Weave - January 20 2018 PULP Art Party (in collaboration with Interspatial)

PULP: Reclaimed Materials Art and Design is a Toronto based not-for-profit corporation set to encourage community building and environmental awareness.
"The Weave"
The project is a composition of re-purposed paper & plastic stripes, that intersect at various angles, creating a network of patterns. Each stripe does not exist independently; they are a unified whole, producing “the Weave”.
Installation Crew: Natalia Bakaeva, Natalia Tcherniak, Elizabeth Traicus, Micah Champagne, Mark Francis
Art Display - January - June 2018 Louie Craft Coffee

Collection of Local Images
7 framed cyanotypes 8x10, 9x12 and 11x14 sizes, depicting images of Toronto neighbourhoods, such as Liberty Village, Ontario Place and Harbourfront, Leslie Spit, Queen St W etc.
8-7 prints displayed at 2-months increments