I have successfully finished another one of my pseudo-manga/ graphic novel visual journal, this time it is 50 pages thick! I have printed and taped it together into an orihon, and it makes it so satisfying to play with it, like a true accordion. It is unfortunate that no gallery or magazine wants to display it, there is a disconnect between how I see it and how people perceive it. But regardless, this is something that I am actually proud of - because it is something that is so personal and vulnerable, that it is a huge step for me to bring it out in the open. Being Courageous is being able to open up, let yourself be judged and then accept rejection as part of the course. There was a theme to my sketchbook last year, "do you practice safe art?" and I think I can rightly say now - no, I practice all sorts of art.
Full orihon can be viewed here, on my Manga Life page.
