Collection of Works by Natalia Tcherniak
CRUSH Zine - September 2019 Issue #3 In conjunction with the Toronto Bi Arts Festival

CRUSH is an annual publication celebrating and exploring the Bi+ experience.
For thematic inspiration, consider the following:
Whats in a name?
How do labels bring us together?
How do labels keep us apart?
Women in Architecture
A diptych : HIDE and Urmaid. As a licensed and practicing architect, I find there are a lot of obligations, constraints, and labels associated with the profession, and identity of an individual. My exploration is to use myself as an object within an architectural practice - what can be empowering and what is belittling, what is a relationship between the maker and the work; as I annotate my drawings, what labels do I put on myself?
Tales From The Forest - May 2019 Issue #10 Art and Poetry Online Magazine Contributing Artist

Tales From The Forest is a quarterly online magazine full of art, poetry and fiction. Based in Ireland but accepts submissions from all over, new issue is released every 3 months. Each issue is based on a theme or phrase, but each one is open to broad interpretation.
The theme for the next issue. It’s X. What’s the literary term for “free-for-all”? That’s the theme of our next issue. X for 10.
One X-ing the Other
Cyanotype on 11"x14" watercolour paper
The Hand Magazine - April 2019 Issue #24 Contributing Artist

The Hand Magazine is dedicated to being the world’s premier forum for innovative and experimental uses of reproduction-based media. We are interested in how artists include their own hand in the art object while utilizing mechanical or reproduction-based techniques. We are interested in publishing any and all forms of photography and printmaking; whether the work is strictly a photograph or print, or whether the work incorporates these processes in a sculptural, multi-media or collage format.
Connective Tissue
Cyanotype on 3'x4' plywood board, with scattered wooden pieces (cubes, spheres, cylinders) of various sizes. Originally made as a centrepiece for A Study in Psychogeography exhibition at Cedar Ridge Creative Centre
Cyanotype: The Blueprint in Contemporary Practice - February 2019 Contributing Artist

Collection of Work
Prints using overlays, double negatives, and combination collages on watercolour, washi and mixed-media paper and wood.
Cyanotype: The Blueprint in Contemporary Practice is a two part book on the much admired blue print process. Part One is a comprehensive how-to on the cyanotype process for both beginner and advanced practitioners, with lots of photographs and clear, step-by-step directions and formulas. Part Two highlights contemporary artists who are using cyanotype, making work that ranges from the photographic to the abstract, from the traditional to the conceptual, with tips on their personal cyanotype methods alongside their work. These artists illustrate cyanotype’s widespread use in contemporary photography today, probably the most of any alternative process.