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VAINE Magazine  - April 2021 Issue #03: Mental Health

Never has mental health been so important as this year. With Covid lockdowns still in place around much of the globe, we are still coming to terms wiht major disruptions to our lives, fears about health, and in many cases the tragic losses of loved ones. In this issue we aim to open up a space for art and writing that can start a discussion around mental health issues.


This issue features a wide selection of poetry on themes such as anxiety, depression, detention in a mental health facility, addiction, anorexia and more; fiction addressing issues such as trauma and suicidal thoughts, and features on PTSD and an in-depth interview with a former NHS psychiatrist, all illustrated with incredible artwork from an international host of emerging artists and illustrators

Half the proceeds from this issue will be donated to CALM, the UK charity dedicated to tackling suicide.


Headland series

Cyanotype on watercolour paper, multiple negative, exploring headlands

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